With high sustainable ambitions and important goals to achieve, we are happy to welcome ORES to our little Pjoki family. By using only organic, eco-friendly materials and by mindfully choosing suppliers who have minimized treatments and chemicals in their manufacturing process, ORES is a perfect match for our curated collection of hero designers.
The name ORES refers to the natural mining resource ore. The brand embodies the same inherent weight, roughness, and simplicity. It is also an acronym for;
`One – Responsible – Ethical – Society´
Pjoki had the chance to sit down with ORES founder Lisa Thörnqvist to ask her some questions....

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?
I would say, I am a creative entrepreneur, with a passion for environmental issues and for textile. I live in Älvsjö with my “sambo” Stefan, our two daughters and a big Maine coon cat. I have a background, working with fit and sizes as a pattern maker/cutter at H&M head office. I have also been working with product development and production. My concern for the environment drives me to think about all my decisions in life.
What inspired you to start your own designers brand?
My passion for design and textile has always been there, so I've known I had to start my own brand since I was about 20 years old. Me and two friends started a brand many years ago, and the idea then was similar to ORES; Sustainable fabric and ethical production and to use fine organic textile. The customers are more conscious now, so I think this is the right time to start up a creative and sustainable designer brand. I want ORES to be a stylish and exciting brand that creates new, exciting collections each season. Even though it has a slow fashion way of designing, with a purpose and story, for each piece.
What is sustainability to you?
To do no harm or leave no negative traces on the environment to start with, but also being ethical and look at the whole chain with a long-term perspective. No animals or people should be ill treated for the sake of the production. We start with the fibers and create clean organic textile without chemical coloring or water/energy intense treatments. The production and the shipping should be done in a responsible way. I think it is important to give back, where it is needed. Therefore, we donate generously.
How does your typical work day look like?
Before I start working, I leave my kids at school and pre-school, I drink tea, feed the cat and sometimes I do yoga. I check my e-mail and then I am busy with the collections, drawing, developing textile, making samples and planning production with the suppliers. The days just disappears because I am so focused and into what I do. I like to have peace and quiet and just let my mind flow from one thought to another without disruption.
When you get an extra 10 minutes what do you do?
I make to do lists and plan for the coming things, I practice Spanish with an app. Oh, and I take a hot bath when I get the chance!
What is your super power?
If something doesn’t work, I don’t quit, I find new solutions to make it work. I am good at seeing possibilities and I have an urge to learn and develop. I would say that´s my superpower. I am also tremendously good at recognizing grown up people that has been on TV or movies as children, but that hasn´t been so useful, for me yet.
What is the most typical Swedish thing you have done or regularly do?
I do typical Swedish things all the time. I drink a lot of coffee and I am very time- focused, for example. I like to get things done and I am always on time when I have a meeting. Splitting all the work in the household, with my partner, is very Swedish. I am an independent woman, in a gender equal relationship, that is still rare in many countries.
If you could choose one dreamy woman to dress in ORES, who would that be?
Choosing only one, is hard, because there are so many strong, amazing women. It is more about what you say and what you stand for, than if you are pretty. My mind goes to the great politicians that takes actions for the climate and all the inspiring people that stands up and speak for woman’s rights. I want all of them to wear ORES and feel strong.
To check out their designs click here
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